Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
“Be as you are”

“Be as you are”

What does it mean?

What does it mean -

'Be as you are’?

  • Does it imply that there is sort of a “real you”,

Behind the masks, behind the games, behind all efforts, which you can Be?

  • Does it mean that currently you are not as you are?

'Be as you are’.

Maybe, it means that, whatever you are,

Is not important at all,

And the pointing is on -

Being That, which you Are

Not walking away from it, to ideas, about how you should be, how you are without knowing, and so on.

And what is the ‘Being’ part?

Does it have to do with any action, any expression of Will, any decision, any effort?

If we ask that question -

“What does it mean, ‘be as you are’ ?”

If that question, and the very questioning of it, is not that which we are,

Then it has no place in our mind, consciousness, heart, or life.

But if that question represents the essence of livelihood, of simple and beautiful being,

Then, asking it, with all your heart is:

Being as you are.

Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
The Now meets itself without knowing. Daily free flow of writing and piano play.
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Amihai Loven