Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
Do you own anything at all?

Do you own anything at all?

A hindrance to inner freedom

Do you own anything?

Do you possess anything, for real, as a fact?

Is there anything that belongs to you?

Possession, family, country, world, body, mind,


Is it yours?

That means, is there you, and the fact of ownership, of belonging, of possessing, of relating, as yours?

Or is there you, yourself,

And the idea that you own,

That something is yours,

Some knowledge, some rights, some objects?

And this idea, if it is so,

How does it come to be?

What nourish this idea?

Who needs that idea of possession, of ownership?

Is it possible that your mind cannot stand the thought that nothing is yours?

The truth of it cannot be touched by the mind.

But the thought that nothing is yours,

Is invented by the mind, and rejected by the mind,

Because it presents the risk, for the mind,

Of being nothing,

Hence, own nothing, and relates to nothing.

Could this be a door for observation?

Surely, not your observation.

Surely, not a door from you to something else.

And why this is so important?

Because there is no other hindrance to inner freedom than ownership, possession, relation,

Between you, and something else.

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Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
The Now meets itself without knowing. Daily free flow of writing and piano play.
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Amihai Loven