Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
Is life, “Your” life?

Is life, “Your” life?

Dare to ask this question
(Earphones recommended)

I assume that this question,

Was not asked by you, to yourself,

And that’s why it is being presented here.

Is it You, that are living “your” life,

Does life belong to you?

And first there was you, yourself,

And then life as if was breathing through you?

Or, in an entirely different way, life Is,

forever was, forever will be,

And as an expression, of this life, You Are.

Life lives itself, in all dimensions,

The known, the unknown, the predicted, the uncertain,

The desired, that which is not desired,

The external, the internal, anything you encountered with,

Any reaction to that.

Life lives that, is living that, and you are there,

To witness the unfoldment of life,

Which you take to be “your” life.

But as a fact, you never owned life.

You are no more than a guest, maybe an honorable guest, at the front seat,

Riding the wave of life,

But not holding any wheel in your hands.

Not determining the direction.

If you don’t own life, and if life has nothing to own, because everything is life,

Then what is the right perception,

Every moment of life?

Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
The Now meets itself without knowing. Daily free flow of writing and piano play.
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Amihai Loven