Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
Is there free will? [#2]

Is there free will? [#2]

Did you ask yourself?
To be simple seems complicated

Is there a free will?

Have you asked yourself?

Or, did you give up asking,

Because you prefer to rely on someone else’s answer,

Or to invent an answer of your own?

I hope you asked.

And if you had, how did you ask?

Did you ask with Will?

Will to find an answer?

Will to end the question?

Any intent? Any reason to justify?

Or, did you simply present the question within yourself, and watched it?

Without aiming to an answer,

Without justifying to yourself, what’s going to be revealed.

I assume you hadn’t.

But if you had, what did you see?

The question is there -

Is there free will?

What is the answer?

You don’t know!

It is so simple to see that, so simple to admit that,

Yet, so rarely done.

The question is there, the unknown is absolute, and you watch the question.

I assume you haven’t done that.

But if you had, what took place?

Did you become frustrated? Did you walk away?

Did you try to aim, control, or change the process?

Or, Could you be still, and amazed by the presence of a question, that reveals a field of unknown?

When a question is asked within yourself, and meets the field of unknown,

It stays there by its own will.

You can’t ask it to stay or to go.

You can’t, and you don’t act upon it.

The question is the unknown.

You watch it by your free will.

First episode -

Observing Beauty
The nature of your Will
Listen now (3 min) | The nature of your Will. You want many things. There are always contradictions between the things that you want. At times, it feels like, you can meet your Will, You can satisfy your Will. At other times it seems like you will never be able to meet, to satisfy your…
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Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
The Now meets itself without knowing. Daily free flow of writing and piano play.
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Amihai Loven