What if the now, which is the presence, that is always the presence, doesn’t need anything from you, and anything that you need is provided by it, by the now?
What if that is perfect harmony, where life is no longer a battle, and the potentiality of life cannot come to expression in a way that stays, that is accumulated, that can be transferred to another time, and so on?
What if the unfoldment of all the wisdom and truth is the now itself, and it can only unfold to itself, not to you, not to someone?
You see, finding the now is the ground for all the religious and all the scriptures, and it is the walking away from the now to an imagined now. That’s why it is taking place in time, whereas the now itself never had to wait to be found in order to exist, to manifest.
All is the manifestation of the now. Was there ever a time that was not the now? Will there ever be a time that is not the now? It is said now. You hear it now. That’s all you need to know.
Now is your teacher, not your thoughts or ideas, not the books, especially not the thoughts of someone else. Meet the now, now, and learn the beauty of unaccumulated, infinite manifestation. Anything real that comes to be now, you cannot know, you cannot remember, you cannot take with you, you cannot explain. And anything that you do take to another time, is not real.
At least, it’s not born of, or an expression of truth. It’s imagined. You can say imagination is real as imagination, fine. Where does that take you? How far you can go with it? What kind of value it gives you?
Other than knowing that it’s empty of reality.
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