
The return to the now.

From admitting the lie, shine the truth.

There is a question of the return to the now.

What is it that arrives at timelessness?

Time, which is movement away from the now, cannot arrive to the now.

It’s like trying to know the unknown.

But the absence of time is the now.

It is so - now, only now, always now.

You don’t need to return to the now.

There is no journey.

There is no distance.

There is the habit to imagine the movement of time,

and hopefully life brings enough suffering to show

that the movement of time is not real.

Will then all the expectation, plans, achievement, reasons, drop?

You find out.

You find out now.

And if you don’t, if you pretend that the now is away from you,

and that the peace, which is the nature of the now,

requires you for some work or some experience,

then at least admit that.

Don’t change it.

Don’t pretend that you are not caught in the lie of time,

talking, dreaming about timelessness now.

From not lying, shine truth.

From admitting the lie, shine the truth.

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