Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
What is space?

What is space?

Can mind be discarded from that question?

About the space:

What is space?

Not the word, not the meaning of the word,

Not the description, not the concept which is described.

What is actually space?

Not a limited space, within borders,

Not conditional space, that moves between content and emptiness,

Not the space that we can consider in the physical dimension,

Not the space that is captured between walls, between objects, between words, between thoughts.

What is the quality of space, that is so trivial, yet, totally ignored?

And how can this be met?

This challenge of ‘what is space?’

Is there any other thing than space itself,

That can meet space, itself?

Can object meet space? What would be the interface?

Can a mind that is full of knowledge, absolutely conditioned, with identity, and preferences, meet space in any way?

Is there such thing as an empty mind -

That can come upon space?

I don’t know, I really don’t know!

Mind can agree, modify, change,

But mind can’t know other than itself,

Other than knowledge.

So, mind can’t come upon space.

Can mind be discarded from that question?

Can that question stay hanged in space?

Disappear in it?

Find out.


Observing Beauty
Observing Beauty Podcast
The Now meets itself without knowing. Daily free flow of writing and piano play.
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Amihai Loven